
Dear Parishioners,

With humble pride, we call out to all to "Abide in Him." We prayerfully ask you to all be inspired by the Holy Spirit and to consider your personal offering of time, talent and treasure to assist the maintenance and growth of our church and its ministries!

The Assumption Community needs your involvement, engagement and participation in the various ministries and services. Your monetary Stewardship supports the ministries of our Church and it is highly appreciated! But money is not everything a faithful Christian can offer to God. Your time stewardship assists our many fundraisers, our choir, our Sunday School and Youth Ministries. Finally, your talent stewardship assists the maintenance and smooth operation of ministries, facilities and equipment. We sincerely thank you for your offerings in all kinds and forms!

Currently, and with the existing number of stewards in our Parish, financial offerings (monetary stewardship) raises only 20% of the total expenses needed to run the ministries and day-to-day operations of our parish. As a result, there is a tremendous amount of pressure on the community to raise the other 80% needed and that is done with many additional fundraisers. Increasing the amounts raised through stewardship, would allow the parish to utilize the Greekfest and other fundraising resources towards much needed building maintenance and church improvements (such as adding to our iconography), expanded philanthropic efforts, community outreach and church growth. We are hopeful that an increase of stewards, coupled with the added financial support of our existing Assumption community, the Stewardship Program will be able to cover 80% or even 100% of church expenses! We know this will take time and effort. Yet, it is with this goal in mind, we have set an initial target of raising $85,000 (or 30%) of our current anticipated expenditures for the year. It is also our goal that this year we reach 100% participation of all the registered stewards of our church!

We kindly ask that you please make every effort to help us reach these two goals. Together, we can accomplish great things to benefit our beloved Assumption Church. Remember, no amount is too small! What Is important is that you first make a pledge and then fulfill that commitment within the current year.

Submitting your pledge card to the Church as soon as possible, will allow the Parish Council to plan the church's annual and month-to-month commitments more accurately. You can submit your card by mail, dropping it off at the Church Office or giving it to the Parish Council Treasurer or any Board Member on any Sunday.

Last but not least, we hope and pray you will participate as fully as you can in the ministries and Holy Services at the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church.

With the grace of the Holy Spirit and the love of our Heavenly Father, our creator, who is the source of goodness for us all, we remain,

In Christ,

The Stewardship Committee


2024 Stewardship Form